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How Do You Strategically Build a Career You Love? 5 Steps to Success

Elena Bogdanova, career coach and self-development specialist, shares a simple guide to finding your unique career path.

Elena Bogdanova, career coach and self-development specialist

For someone who considers professional fulfillment an integral part of life, building a career is a crucial focus. To construct a successful career that you love, it's important to start by setting the right goals and planning your unique career path.

Below, I share how to effectively set career goals and identify the steps you need to take to turn goals that are beautifully formulated on paper into reality.

Step 1: Define your values and interests

Start by identifying your values and interests. What matters to you in life? What excites you? Which tasks and projects do you enjoy the most? For some, this may involve balancing work and a fulfilling personal life. Others may seek the opportunity to pursue a grand mission and contribute to humanity. And there are some who desire a job with a high degree of freedom.

The answers to these questions will help you understand what to focus on when choosing your career vector.

Step 2: Research the job market

Once you've defined your values and interests, it's crucial to research the job market. Which professions are in demand today? What requirements do different positions have for candidates? What skills do you already possess, and which of your skills need improvement?

You might have a strong skill in testing and analytical abilities, but now it's important to learn more about artificial intelligence to advance further in your career.

If you’re changing fields, studying the job market will help you choose a profession that aligns with your interests and skills. It will also help you determine the knowledge and skills that you need to develop to achieve success in your current field.

Step 3: Undergo training

After defining your goals and researching the job market, choose the training option that will most effectively enhance your skills. What courses and training programs will help you develop the necessary skills and knowledge? Perhaps, to continue evolving as a tester without fear that AI will replace you in a few years, it's worth learning a programming language.

Regular, well-chosen training and development are crucial steps in building your career.

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Step 4: Plan your career path

The fourth step is planning your career path. Carefully consider the steps you need to take to get from where you are to where you want to go: undergo training in a new field, work on managerial skills, learn a new programming language, or improve your emotional intelligence. What projects and tasks will help you grow and move in your chosen direction?

Develop a concrete action plan with checkpoints and deadlines that will guide you to the desired point in your career.

Step 5: Embrace mistakes and adjust your plan

Don't fear mistakes. Try different directions. Building a career is a process that takes time and effort. Don't be afraid of mistakes and failures; they are an integral part of the development process. Experiment with different directions and learn from your mistakes. Only then can you find your unique path to success.

If you can imagine something, you can achieve it. So, dream of a dizzying career, set ambitious goals, turn goals into projects that you focus on, and take action. Let a career you love happen for you!

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